Saturday, August 3, 2013

Football: A Story of Love & Hate

Growing up, football was synonymous with boredom in my mind. Just hearing that familiar theme on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon while my dad enjoyed a game and a beer (okay, several beers) was enough to make me consider slitting my wrists. (Vertically, I was taking no chances here.) And don’t get me started on the announcers…I know that John Madden guy is a legend and all, but seriously? His voice makes me want to bang my head against the wall. How did he get that job? And the constant need to replay everything. In slow motion. Over and over. Let’s move it along, shall we?

Waiting to have use of the TV, I would see two minutes left on the clock and feel the excitement building…the torture was almost over! But that quickly turned to further irritation as two minutes somehow turned into fifteen or thirty. Stupid football and it’s time warping abilities. And more often than not, the end of one game meant the beginning of another. Now that I think about it, I believe I must credit football with my love of reading, which lead to my love of writing…you lucky people, you!

As I grew older, I could tolerate the Superbowl. It seemed to encourage drinking, eating unhealthy bar food, and best of all…yelling. All things I enjoy. I could get down with football one night of the year if it included all that! Except for the year they were playing a special episode of Glee after the game. I stayed up to watch and the post-game coverage went on and on and on….as if we hadn’t known who won? I eventually gave up and went to bed. No Journey covers for me that night. And I think the Giants won that year. Even though I don’t like football, I have developed a hatred for the Giants. Long story that I may share at another time.  

However, as irony should have it…about a year ago I met a guy. Who loves all things football. I’m talking about a guy who literally gets text updates from the NFL on his phone. Because you just never know when breaking football news is going to happen…? He participates in multiple Fantasy teams. He has gone back to school to get a degree in Sports Management to help fulfill his dream of literally WORKING for the NFL. He was a volunteer at last year’s Superbowl and spent a week in New Orleans (okay, I was pretty jealous of that due to the location. Hello French Quarter!).

Oy. You think I’d run in the other direction, right? Nope. Fell head over heels in love with him. And being the awesome girlfriend that I am (my words, but I’m sure he’d agree), I have compromised and tried to embrace this football thing. I mean, it seems to be pretty popular, right? Millions of fans can’t be wrong! I have purchased a t-shirt of his favorite team (as a surprise to wear during the first game of theirs we watched together. Cute, right?), attended a game in the freezing weather of December, and a practice (you read that right) in the humid weather of July. I volunteered to join his fantasy team. (Just to kick their football loving butts.)

This all lead to the idea for this blog. I still do not understand many, many things about football. I like teams based on their colors and mascots and players based on their names. Discovering that Victoria’s Secret’s Pink line created NFL apparel was the highlight of last season for me (adorable!). While I do not think I’ll ever truly understand football, I thought it would be amusing for me (and others) to chronicle my experiences this season. A sort of “what a girl who avoids sports at all costs sees” versus “what a male football fan sees.” (You can find my boyfriend’s blog at: But trust me; it’s full of truly intricate football stuff. Involving calculations and forecasts. You have been warned. )

So I hope you have enjoyed my first “let’s get to know each other” post. I’ll hopefully update before the season starts with my experiences at the game last year and practice, just to lay some more groundwork. I will also be drafting players for my fantasy league (with the technical help of my boyfriend…let’s call him R.H. from now) on the 21st so I’m sure that will make an interesting story. But maybe not…pretty sure I’m just going to be sitting at a computer for two to three hours, picking people when it’s my turn. Woohoo. Maybe that occasions calls for booze too?

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